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Your Move with Andy Stanley

Sunday at 8:00 am ET NEW

About Your Move with Andy Stanley

Author Andy Stanley helps viewers make better decision and live with fewer regrets

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There's always going to be someone who seems smarter, richer, or funnier than us. So how do we avoid the endless cycle of comparison and competition?

Many people wonder if Christianity is true, but for more and more people, the most important question is, “Is it actually good?”

First-century Jesus followers were convinced the message of Christianity was good news of great joy for all people. So why has it become it so easy to walk away from?

Ingratitude stings. The tricky part is that ingratitude isn’t an active thing; rather, it is a lack of action. But unexpressed gratitude has the potential to leave devastating blows in relationships.

Wish You Were Here

Episode 0003

How do you get from where you are to where you wish you were? In this episode, Andy introduces an idea that can help you find your way.

How to Be Drama Free

Episode 0004

All of life is connected. In this episode, Andy explains how to be wise with our time today in order to create a drama-free life in the future

Re:Solution (Part 1)

Episode 101

Re:Solution (Part 2)

Episode 102

Re:Solution (Part 3)

Episode 103

Guardrails (Part 1)

Episode 105

Guardrails are everywhere. They don’t get much attention until somebody hits one and a life is saved. In Part 1, Andy Stanley discusses the need for personal guardrails to help direct and protect our lives.

Guardrails (Part 2)

Episode 106

Your friends will determine the quality and direction of your life. Chances are, your biggest regrets involved friends. In Part 2 of Guardrails, Andy Stanley offers several guardrails to keep your friendships from leading you into danger.

Guardrails (Part 3)

Episode 107

We live in a culture where we tend to flirt with the guardrails instead of fleeing from them. In Part 3 of Guardrails, Andy Stanley unpacks some practical guidelines for married and single people .

Guardrails (Part 4)

Episode 108

Setting up guardrails in your life is easier said than done. In Part 4 of Guardrails, see how Andy and Sandra Stanley ahve intenionally established guardrails in their lives. These guardrails have protected them relationally, financially, professionally, and more.

Guardrails (Part 5)

Episode 109

Safeguarding your money. What kinds of guardrails do you need in order to protect yourself in the area of your finances? In Part 5 of Guardrails, Andy reveals a simple 3-part plan to establish personal guardrails that will protect you from financial disaster.

Guardrails (Part 6)

Episode 110

We live with a tension between our values and our desire for immediate gratification. So why bother having guardrails when they feel like barriers to getting something that seems good? In Part 6 of Guardrails, Andy shares a story that will encourage you to establish guardrails now and for all time.

There is a conflict that reflects a deep divide in today's American culture - a conflict that, if resolved, could pave the way for our nation to come together and successfully address the issues that fill the airways.

There is a conflict that reflects a deep divide in today's American culture - a conflict that, if resolved, could pave the way for our nation to come together and successfully address the issues that fill the airways.

Your Move (Part 1)

Episode 113

In this four part session you will learn how every decision and its outcomes become a permanent part of your story, what to do when you feel the need to pause before taking action, and how to make more of this life by making sound decisions.

Your Move (Part 2)

Episode 114

In this four part session you will learn how every decision and its outcomes become a permanent part of your story, what to do when you feel the need to pause before taking action, and how to make more of this life by making sound decisions.

Your Move (Part 4)

Episode 116

In this four part session you will learn how every decision and its outcomes become a permanent part of your story, what to do when you feel the need to pause before taking action, and how to make more of this life by making sound decisions.

How can a nation with so much wealth have a financial crisis? No matter who you ask - Republican or Democrat - the other side has caused our nation's problems. Listen as Andy reminds us what the Bible says about pointing fingers.

Should our nation's recovery take its cue from 12-step recovery programs? In this message, Andy introduces us to a step we should all take - a step that requires a good, long look in the mirror.

What should we expect from the private behavior of our public figures? And should a candidate's integrity affect our votes? Listen as Andy introduces us to an Old Testament leader who demonstrated one important qualification we should demand of our leaders today.

In God We Trust. Or do we? It's our national motto. But is it still true? In this message, Andy challenges the nation to make an important change in our rhetoric.

Somewhere along the way, our national attitude about debt changed. In fact, it did a 180°. In this message, Andy reminds us of the financial wisdom that has stood the test of time.

How would Jesus respond to our entitlement questions? What do I deserve? What should you get? What's fair? In this message, Andy points out that Jesus has a better question.

When everything is important, nothing is important. What’s the one thing in your life that deserves your attention the most?

What are you holding on to that’s holding you back? Could this be the year you finally let it go?

Have you ever been your own worst enemy? Most of us have. Avoiding that scenario begins when we first pay attention to our own red flags.

We can talk ourselves into anything. Our internal narratives justify our beliefs as well as our actions. But when those narratives aren’t true, how do we replace them?

You want what you want. But what happens when doing what you want leads precisely where you didn’t want to be?

For many men, success means autonomy—the freedom to do what you want when you want. But what if that’s not as good as it seems?

We all have drama in our lives. Most of us want less of it. So where do we start?

Along the road of life, we all pick up some baggage. But how do you keep the ghosts of your past from showing up in your future?

Not many people would say that money is the meaning of life. So how do you avoid making money your top priority?

A hero saves the day, and sometimes a hero saves the planet. That makes heroism seem inaccessible to most of us. But with a single question, we can access our heroic potential.

No one wants to be mastered by anything, but the question remains: Do you have money, or does money have you?

Your money talks—whether you have a little or a lot. What would it say about you?

A great marriage doesn’t happen by accident. Happy couples know that the secret lies in addressing the hopes, dreams, and desires of both people.

In every marriage, both people have hopes, dreams, and desires for the relationship. But how do you keep them from turning into expectations for each other to fulfill?

As long as you think your partner owes you something, your marriage will be all about keeping score. How do you prevent your relationship from devolving into transactions and negotiations?

Want to know the secret to a happy marriage? It’s a choice happy couples don't always know they're making, but it makes all the difference.

Most parents want what’s best for their children, but sometimes it comes at the expense of their children. So what’s the secret to great parenting?

When left unchecked, our emotions have the potential to control us. How do we silence the voices that fight for our attention?

How do you move forward when the weight of your past impacts your ability to live in the present?

There will always be someone who seems smarter, richer, or cooler. So how do you keep discontentment and comparison from stealing the life that’s right in front of you?

Anger shows up when you’re not getting what you want. But would it lose its grip if you looked beyond the things you want—or even deserve?

Living with too much fear can cause you to become self-absorbed, distracted, and overly protective. How do you keep fear from controlling what you say and do?

Sometimes the people closest to us are the ones who see the mistakes we’re about to make. How do you speak up when there’s something worth saying?

We all place our hope in what, or who, we depend on the most. But what do you do when you’re left disappointed? One of history’s most famous kings offers a way to move forward.

Payback. It’s always tempting, but does it really solve anything? Maybe there’s a better way.

Leading others can lead to some of your biggest challenges. So how do you lead well when you’re given authority and power?

Life rarely goes as planned. So what do you do when you discover your dreams and plans for the future can’t—or won’t—come true?

Friends influence the direction of your life, but what do you do when they’re leading you somewhere you don’t want to end up?

In romantic relationships, we all want to avoid unnecessary heartbreak, but what do you do when you begin veering into dangerous territory?

Do you have money, or does money have you?

If not kept in check, our emotions can get the best of us and eventually hurt the people closest to us. So how do you minimize the negative effects of guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy?

We all want to be right, especially in the heat of an argument. But instead of settling for being right, what if we made things right?

With just a few words, you can build someone up or tear them down. How do you keep that in mind when holding your tongue is the last thing you want to do?

Words have power. The words spoken about you and to you have shaped the person you are today. How do you use the power of words for good?

What goes around often comes around. When you find yourself in a position of power over someone who has hurt you, how will you respond?

The story of how the world got the Bible begins with a single event—an event so extraordinary it was worth writing about.

The backstory of the Bible gives us important context for the stories in it. In this episode, Andy explores the radical worldview introduced “in the beginning.”

The Old Testament is the gritty, epic history of the people of Israel, but even broader than that, it’s the story of God preparing the world for a Savior.

The Bible did not create Christianity. Consequently, peace with God is possible even when you can’t find peace with everything in the Bible.

When we look back on regretful situations, we tend to rework the narratives in our minds to justify our decisions. This natural progression of internal thinking has made the easiest person to deceive the person in the mirror. So how can we avoid making decisions that lead to regret?

When everything is important, nothing is important. What’s the one thing in your life that deserves your attention the most?

What are you holding on to that’s holding you back? Could this be the year you finally let it go?

Have you ever been your own worst enemy? Most of us have. Avoiding that scenario begins when we first pay attention to our own red flags.

We can talk ourselves into anything. Our internal narratives justify our beliefs as well as our actions. But when those narratives aren’t true, how do we replace them?

You want what you want. But what happens when doing what you want leads precisely where you didn’t want to be?

What do we do with life’s big mysteries? How do we find peace with our unanswered questions?

We will always wonder about life’s big questions, but when it comes to faith, is there anything we can be sure of?

We all wonder. But what do you do when wondering leads to wandering far from the possibility of a personal faith?

What are you holding on to that’s holding you back? Could this be the year you finally let it go?

People with integrity do the right thing simply because they know they ought to. This “ought to” is inescapable and holds you accountable, but what is this “ought to” connected to?

Have you ever lied in an attempt to cover up something bad to present yourself as “good”? We all wrestle with the desire to look good, but does this cost us respect in the relationships that matter most?

Appetites are powerful and often determine the direction of our lives, yet they never seem to be fully satisfied and can pose a threat to our integrity. What should we do when our appetites are raging within us?

It’s possible to be a good person without doing good for another person, but how much good is it actually worth when good is simply for goodness’ sake?

Countless love stories and fairy tales focus on people finding love and living happily ever after. But how do we navigate relationships in the real world?

Dating is complicated. But does it really have to be?

When it comes to relationships, how do we make sure we’re learning from our past mistakes instead of repeating them?

We all have hopes and dreams, but what are we supposed to do when our hearts are broken and it seems like our dreams can’t come true?

“Might makes right” is the default setting for the world. Those with wealth and power write the rules, and they usually write them to favor themselves. But someone came to turn this paradigm upside down.

People who use their religion to justify the mistreatment of others are not only on the wrong side of history—they’re on the wrong side of God.

Learn the most powerful, transformational, and inspirational leadership principle on the planet. You can lead without it, but you won’t be a leader worth following unless you embrace it.

Have you ever been mean to someone simply because they were mean to you? But getting even doesn't end the cycle of hurt does it? So instead of getting even, let’s get ahead.

When we choose to repay evil with good, we write a story that is remarkable. And it’s a story that will do something good for us, even if it doesn’t change our circumstances.

We all end up somewhere in life. Why not end up somewhere on purpose?

What do you do when you realize there’s a gap between where you are in life and where you want to be?

When you realize you’ve lost your way, whom do you trust to lead you in the right direction?

Distractions. Temptations. We’ve all got ‘em. But when emotions threaten to lead us astray, how do we keep our focus on what’s most important?

Not many people would say money is the meaning of life. So how do you avoid making money your top priority?

No one wants to be mastered by anything, but the question remains: Do you have money, or does money have you?

Your money talks—whether you have a little or a lot. What would it say about you?

Have you ever been your own worst enemy? Most of us have. Avoiding that scenario begins when we first pay attention to our own red flags.

We can talk ourselves into anything. Our internal narratives justify our beliefs as well as our actions. But when those narratives aren’t true, how do we replace them?

You want what you want. But what happens when doing what you want leads precisely where you didn’t want to be?

Like Stars in the Sky

Episode 630

Red or Blue. For or Against. It sometimes feels like the United States isn't very united. But unity can’t be mandated; it must be chosen… So how do we choose it in the midst of so much division?

How do you move forward when the weight of your past impacts your ability to live in the present?

When left unchecked, our emotions have the potential to control us. How do we silence the voices that fight for our attention?

There will always be someone who seems smarter, richer, or cooler. So how do you keep discontentment and comparison from stealing the life that’s right in front of you? For

Anger shows up when you’re not getting what you want. But would it lose its grip if you looked beyond the things you want—or even deserve?

Living with too much fear can cause you to become self-absorbed, distracted, and overly protective. How do you keep fear from controlling what you say and do?

Sometimes the people closest to us are the ones who see the mistakes we’re about to make. How do you speak up when there’s something worth saying?

A Road Map for Life

Episode 637

Along the road of life, we all pick up some baggage. But how do you keep the ghosts of your past from showing up in your future?

When we look back on regretful situations, we tend to rework the narratives in our minds to justify our decisions. This natural progression of internal thinking has made the easiest person to deceive the person in the mirror. So how can we avoid making decisions that lead to regret?

Decisions lead to choices, choices lead to responses, and responses lead to permanent marks in the story of your life. What story do you want to tell?

We all experience those “red-flag moments” when something doesn’t sit quite right within us. The longer we ponder the decision we are about to make, an internal tension grows. Are you paying attention to that tension?

Our natural inclination is to live as close to the line as possible, often attempting to get away with as much as we can without facing the consequences. This is a slippery slope, so what can we ask ourselves to step away from the edge?

Our decisions can impact more than just ourselves; that is probably why we say, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” But in a world full of deceptive voices, how can we lay a foundation for these types of mutually beneficial relationships?

Most parents want what’s best for their children, but sometimes it comes at the expense of their children. So what’s the secret to great parenting?

When it comes to repairing broken relationships, no one responds well to being convinced, coerced, convicted, or controlled. But if these approaches don’t work, how else can we fix the broken relationships in our lives?

When someone wrongs us it’s tempting to want revenge. But in order to repair a relationship, we must fight the urge to get back AT and instead be proactive in getting back TO the other person.

It’s easy to play the blame game when our relationships need fixing, but how often does it get the job done?

The decision to repair a broken relationship is extraordinarily important, and someone has to make the first move. It’s rarely convenient, but the payoff is great.

When it comes to potentially polarizing topics, our posture, tone, and approach will tell others what’s most important to us.

Disagreement is unavoidable, but division is a choice. We can disagree politically and love unconditionally.

Ingratitude stings. The tricky part is that ingratitude isn’t an active thing; rather, it is a lack of action. But unexpressed gratitude has the potential to leave devastating blows in relationships. For

The story of how the world got the Bible begins with a single event—an event so extraordinary it was worth writing about.

The backstory of the Bible gives us important context for the stories in it. In this episode, Andy explores the radical worldview introduced “in the beginning.”

The Old Testament is the gritty, epic history of the people of Israel, but even broader than that, it’s the story of God preparing the world for a Savior.

On Christmas we celebrate the birth of a king. A king who would introduce an others-first, upside down kingdom not of this world, but certainly for this world.

In this episode, Andy shares the Christmas story and the potential for making it personal.

When everything is important, nothing is important. What’s the one thing in your life that deserves your attention the most?

Paper Walls: Because

Episode 657

Whether fueled by fear, insecurity, or a past event, many of us construct excuses that box us in and hold us back. But there is a way to move beyond the limits our excuses bind us to.

Our reasons are usually just excuses in disguise. Over time, these excuses begin telling us what we can and can’t do, and ultimately, they cause us to miss out on something great. For

Excuses are just lies we tell ourselves about ourselves. But if we never admit the truth, we’ll excuse our lives away.

Five steps to punching through your paper walls.

Have you ever been mean to someone simply because they were mean to you? But getting even doesn't end the cycle of hurt, does it? So instead of getting even, let’s get ahead.

When we choose to repay evil with good, we write a story that is remarkable. And it’s a story that will do something good for us, even if it doesn’t change our circumstances.

People with integrity do the right thing simply because they know they ought to. This “ought to” is inescapable and holds you accountable, but what is this “ought to” connected to?

Have you ever lied in an attempt to cover up something bad to present yourself as “good”? We all wrestle with the desire to look good, but does this cost us respect in the relationships that matter most?

Appetites are powerful and often determine the direction of our lives, yet they never seem to be fully satisfied and can pose a threat to our integrity. What should we do when our appetites are raging within us?

It’s possible to be a good person without doing good for another person, but how much good is it actually worth when good is simply for goodness’ sake?

Author Andy Stanley helps viewers make better decision and live with fewer regrets.

Author Andy Stanley helps viewers make better decision and live with fewer regrets.

Have you ever hoped for something, but no matter how hard you thought about it, wished for it, or admired the potential outcome of it, nothing happened? What if there is an explanation for that... and what if there was a way to get what you hoped for?

You never know what hangs in the balance of an invitation. We’ve been invited to something amazing, and how we respond to that invitation could be life changing.

There are people who will go out of their way to help someone and expect nothing in return. We like those people and we want to be like them; Jesus extends an invitation that shows us how to be those people.

It’s easy to look at someone and write them off as bad or wrong simply because they are different. But when we do this, we actually put something on ourselves that doesn’t look good on anybody.

We have an invitation to follow someone who will make our lives significantly better—it may not be easier, but it will absolutely be better.

Have you ever been your own worst enemy? Most of us have. Avoiding that scenario begins when we first pay attention to our own red flags.

We can talk ourselves into anything. Our internal narratives justify our beliefs as well as our actions. But when those narratives aren’t true, how do we replace them?

You want what you want. But what happens when doing what you want leads precisely where you didn’t want to be?

The story of how the world got the Bible begins with a single event—an event so extraordinary it was worth writing about.

The backstory of the Bible gives us important context for the stories in it. In this episode, Andy explores the radical worldview introduced “in the beginning.”

The Old Testament is the gritty, epic history of the people of Israel, but even broader than that, it’s the story of God preparing the world for a Savior.

The Bible did not create Christianity. Consequently, peace with God is possible even when you can’t find peace with everything in the Bible.

Red or Blue. For or Against. It sometimes feels like the United States isn't very united. But unity can’t be mandated; it must be chosen... So how do we choose it in the midst of so much division?

A great relationship doesn’t happen by accident. Happy couples know that the secret lies in addressing the hopes, dreams, and desires of both people.

As long as you think your partner owes you something, your marriage will be all about keeping score. How do you prevent your relationship from devolving into transactions and negotiations?

Want to know the secret to a happy relationship? It’s a choice happy couples don't always know they're making, but it makes all the difference.

Not many people would say money is the meaning of life. So how do you avoid making money your top priority?

Author Andy Stanley helps viewers make better decision and live with fewer regrets.

Your money talks—whether you have a little or a lot. What would it say about you?

Most Americans believe in some sort of heaven, and most believe that good people go there. Sounds nice... but how good is good enough to get us in?

If we use “good” as our standard of behavior to get into heaven, we will all fall short. But that bad news is what makes the good news of Jesus so good.

Rules don’t get us into heaven, so why do we have them?

When it comes to repairing broken relationships, no one responds well to being convinced, coerced, convicted, or controlled. But if these approaches don’t work, how else can we fix the broken relationships in our lives?

When someone wrongs us it’s tempting to want revenge. But in order to repair a relationship, we must fight the urge to get back AT and instead be proactive in getting back TO the other person.

It’s easy to play the blame game when our relationships need fixing, but how often does it get the job done?

The decision to repair a broken relationship is extraordinarily important, and someone has to make the first move. It’s rarely convenient, but the payoff is great.

Most parents want what’s best for their children, but sometimes it comes at the expense of their children. So what’s the secret to great parenting?

For better or worse, your decisions go beyond you and impact those closest to you. Want to be a person who impacts others for the better? Here are some tips guaranteed to leave you saying, “I’m so glad I did.”

Nobody likes to be told what to do, but what if the advice we don’t want to hear is exactly what we need to move us toward our greatest success or away from our greatest regret?

Even though it’s never easy, releasing someone from the debt they owe you is the only way to freedom. Special guest April Farmer shares how her journey with forgiveness led to a richer life.

Looking for a relationship that will last? Try this trick for relationships that can withstand just about any of life’s trials.

Did you know you can be generous without actually living generously? Find out how to be someone who goes beyond the simple act of sporadic giving.

Ever lie to yourself to feel good about yourself? The truth is, lying to ourselves only keeps us from doing what’s good for us.

For many men, success means autonomy—the freedom to do what you want when you want. But what if that’s not as good as it seems?

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Episode 703

Newer and shinier can seem better, but what do you do when you're no longer content with what you wear, what you drive, or where you live?

We’ve all heard the saying “actions speak louder than words.” But did you know that even our actions rarely tell the whole story? It’s our reactions that do... so what do your reactions say about you?

Our actions speak louder than words, but our reactions speak louder than both. They reveal what’s really going on under the surface and reflect our fears, values, and even our faith.

Our reactions speak loudly, so loud that people take notice. Which means our reactions are an opportunity for influence, and Jesus shows us how to use that influence for good.

Let’s face it: some people can rub us the wrong way. But would we see them differently if we first took a look at ourselves?

Your Best Year Yet

Episode 708

What are you holding on to that’s holding you back? Could this be the year you finally let it go?

Have you ever thought “how could someone do that and live with themselves?” Truth is you could do the unthinkable and live with yourself, people do it all the time. Want to ensure it doesn’t happen to you? We’ve got you covered.

By the time we reach adulthood, we’re all pretty good at monitoring our behavior to get what we want now, but what if there’s something more important that we need to monitor to ensure we get what we ultimately want?

I bet you’ve seen somebody do something and thought “If I did that, I couldn’t live with myself.” But the truth is, you could do the unthinkable and live with yourself... people do it all the time. But there are a few things you can do to ensure this doesn’t happen to you.

Our friends influence the direction of our lives. So what do we do when they’re leading us somewhere we don’t want to end up?

In romantic relationships, we all want to avoid unnecessary heartbreak. So how do we protect our most important relationships when we find ourselves veering into dangerous territory?

Do you have money or does money have you?

If we look close enough, we see that the emotions inside of us have the potential to hurt those around us. So how do we minimize the negative effects of guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy?

Most Americans believe in some sort of heaven, and most believe that good people go there. Sounds nice... but how good is good enough to get us in?

When we choose to repay evil with good, we write a story that is remarkable. And it’s a story that will do something good for us, even if it doesn’t change our circumstances.

Rules don’t get us into heaven, so why do we have them?

If we use “good” as our standard of behavior to get into heaven, we will all fall short. But that bad news is what makes the good news of Jesus so good.

Rules don’t get us into heaven, so why do we have them?

The Ultimate Gamble

Episode 721

Forgiving someone before being asked is risky and feels incredibly vulnerable. Is the risk even worth it? We think so—watch to find out why.

In today’s fast-paced world we strive to succeed, win, be the best, always be first... but what would it look like if we chose to lose instead? Seems absurd, but losing could actually be the key to gaining far more than you could imagine.

Ever find yourself scrambling to maintain your status or influence? What if there was a better way to experience power and transformation in your life?

Oftentimes we are told to fight temptation because we are tempted by things that won’t be good for us: another piece of cake, that late-night text. But there is one temptation we should lean into, and when we do, the world changes for the better.

Tired of comparing—and wanting what everyone else has? Let’s flip that narrative upside down and discover the one thing you can do to experience freedom and peace in the life you currently have.

When it comes to repairing broken relationships, no one responds well to being convinced, coerced, convicted, or controlled. But if these approaches don’t work, how else can we fix the broken relationships in our lives?

The decision to repair a broken relationship is extraordinarily important, and someone has to make the first move. It’s rarely convenient, but the payoff is great.

Did you know you are not expected to believe Jesus is who he said he is based solely on a collection of ancient manuscripts? The foundation of our faith is anchored to something far more substantial and sustainable.

Have you ever hoped for something, but no matter how hard you thought about it, wished for it, or admired the potential outcome of it, nothing happened? What if there is an explanation for that... and what if there was a way to get what you hoped for?

You never know what hangs in the balance of an invitation. We’ve been invited to something amazing, and how we respond to that invitation could be life changing.

We have an invitation to follow someone who will make our lives significantly better—it may not be easier, but it will absolutely be better.

Author Andy Stanley helps viewers make better decision and live with fewer regrets.

Our reasons are usually just excuses in disguise. Over time, these excuses begin telling us what we can and can’t do, and ultimately, they cause us to miss out on something great.

Excuses are just lies we tell ourselves about ourselves. But if we never admit the truth, we’ll excuse our lives away.

Five steps to punching through your paper walls.

Circumstances are not an indicator of God's absence.

No matter where we are in life, we should fix our eyes on a person not a situation.

Doubt is a natural part in the journey of our faith.

Have you ever lied in an attempt to cover up something bad to present yourself as “good”? We all wrestle with the desire to look good, but does this cost us respect in the relationships that matter most?

Appetites are powerful and often determine the direction of our lives, yet they never seem to be fully satisfied and can pose a threat to our integrity. What should we do when our appetites are raging within us?

The words we’ve heard have shaped us and the words we speak have the power to shape others. And some words weigh more than others, so weigh your words carefully.

Words have weight, but unfortunately they are not weighted equally. Who you are and who you represent influences the gravity of your words.

There is no correlation between intent and outcome. What does this have to do with words? A lot...because even when our word are accidental, they can still hurt someone.

When it comes to potentially polarizing topics, our posture, tone, and approach will tell others what’s most important to us.

Disagreement is unavoidable, but division is a choice. We can disagree politically and love unconditionally.