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#[]Give Thanks: “Give Thanks”
Ingratitude stings. The tricky part is that ingratitude isn’t an active thing; rather, it is a lack of action. But unexpressed gratitude has the potential to leave devastating blows in relationships.
#[]Is Christianity Good?: “What Happened?”
First-century Jesus followers were convinced the message of Christianity was good news of great joy for all people. So why has it become it so easy to walk away from?
#[]Is Christianity Good?: “Good News/Bad News”
Many people wonder if Christianity is true, but for more and more people, the most important question is, “Is it actually good?”
#[]The Secret to Contentment: “The Secret to Contentment”
There's always going to be someone who seems smarter, richer, or funnier than us. So how do we avoid the endless cycle of comparison and competition?
#[0003]Wish You Were Here
How do you get from where you are to where you wish you were? In this episode, Andy introduces an idea that can help you find your way.
#[0004]How to Be Drama Free
All of life is connected. In this episode, Andy explains how to be wise with our time today in order to create a drama-free life in the future